Mary Charles Goes Home (1890)

Through inadvertence we failed to notice in the last issue of the Beacon the departure from us of Miss Mary CHARLES for her home in Tarboro, on the 17th inst.  For the past three months Miss CHARLES has been engaged in our town in instructing a class in art studies and judging from the work we have seen has proved herself a most thorough and successful teacher.

She has unquestionably talent of high order for painting and what is more is thoroughly en rappert with her profession.  So that we fear not to predict, as we surely hope may be the case, that a distinguished name yet awaits her perseverance and skill in the work she has chosen.

By all means should she be well encouraged by our people, and the day may come when she might become to North Carolina what the painter girl was to France – the pride of the State.  Her charm and manenrs and person left impressions most favorable upon our people, so that whenever she may choose to visit us again – which we trust will not be a long time off – Plymouth stands ready to bid her hearty welcome.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 30 May 1890, pg 3. Available online at

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