THOMAS, J.J. and FELT, Lula (m. 1880)

Married – Capt. J.J. THOMAS, of this city, was on Tuesday united in marriage to Miss Lula FELT, of Warrenton.  The marriage was celebrated in the Baptist church in Warrenton, by the pastor Rev. J.A. MUNDAY, and Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS at once left on a northern tour, on which Mr. and Mrs. W.H. DODD, of this city, accompany them.  The bride has lately been on a visit to Raleigh, and by her charming and cultured manners won many friends and admirers.  The groom is one of the leading merchants of our city and State, highly esteemed by all who know him, and his numerous friends will be pleased to hear of his good fortune in the possession of so charming a bride.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 16 September 1880. Page 3.

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