Locals & Personals (March 13, 1920)

Locals & Personals

  • Robt. M. CARR has returned to Burgaw after closing his school at Harrison Creek.
  • Rev. O.P. FITZGERALD is conducting a revival meeting at Watha this week.
  • Messrs. C.M. JOHNSON and J.T. BLAND, Jr., spent Monday in Goldsboro.
  • Arthur ANDERSON, of Watha, made a business trip to Burgaw Saturday afternoon.
  • Mrs. Fred DEES has been quite ill at her home for the past few days.
  • Miss Mary WILLIAMS is visiting relatives in Wilmington this week.
  • Mrs. C.W. FULFORD left Tuesday morning for a short visit to relatives in Wilmington.
  • Mr. S.C. CARR is building a residence on his lot opposite the residence of Mr. George FERRELL.
  • Miss Mary CLARK spent a few hours in Wilmington Monday afternoon.
  • Mr. J.W. MANLY is preparing to build a store and garage on the corner joining the lot of Mr. A.B. CROOM, Sr.
  • Mr. J. H. POWERS Jr., has purchased an interest in the electrical business of Messrs. FULFORD and PAGE.  Mr. POWERS is an electrician by trade and will be a valuable addition to the Fulford & Page establishment.
  • Masters Fred and William HUSSEY spent a few days recently with their grandparents at Wallace.
  • D.A. BLAND, of Goldsboro, was a visitor here Tuesday.
  • Miss Sue J. MYERS spent Monday here with relatives.
  • Mrs. S.O. PERKINS has arrived for a visit with her mother, Mrs. R.I. DURHAM. 
  • Mr. and Mrs. J.L. HARRELL and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. VANN and Dr. and Mrs. Ira W. BROWN spent Sunday afternoon at Hampstead.
  • Miss Cammie BURNETT returned home Monday from Richlands where she has been teaching school.  She was accompanied by her sister Miss Katie who attended the commencement exercises there.

Source: Pender Chronicle (Burgaw, NC); 13 May 1920.

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