L.I. Fagan Candidacy (1890)

Mr. L.I. FAGAN, one of our most enterprising citizens and at present Dep’t Sheriff of this township, which office he fills with credit, is a candidate for the Stewardship of the North Carolina Insane Asylum, he has a petition signed by almost every prominent citizen of this county also by a number of the business men throughout the State, he also holds letters of recommendations from a number of public men.  We are satisfied the appointment of Mr. FAGAN to that position would never be regreted [sic], his honest straightforward manner could but give satisfaction.

As a soldier Mr. FAGAN was brave and fearless, ever found where duty called him face to the foe, and was known in the dark days of ’64 and ’65, both North and South, as the “Big Seargem from North Carolina,” as a citizen he is quiet, energetic always looking to the interests of his country, as an officer he is firm, every carrying out the law to its fullest extent.  But, above all the noble traits of this man was the greatest is his his christian character.  In war, in peace, as a private citizen or as an officer he ever respects and loves the christian religion, and while he would regret to have him leave us, yet we heartily endorse him as a man worthy, not only the Stewardship of the Asylum, but any other position of trust that is within the power of our people to give.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 28 February 1890. Available online at digitalnc.org.

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