KENNEDY, Arthur and MORRIS, Virginia – (m. 1890)

Thomasville Couple Married at High Point — Despite the sombre weather hanging over our town last Thursday afternoon there were glad hearts that breathed the sweet incense of anticipation. About three o’clock a team came flying around Perry’s corner and halted right in front of the Enterprise office. A stalwart young man alighted and asked for ‘Squire SMITH, while a blith and handsome girl remained in the buggy with a serene and placid visage that portrayed in word satisfaction. We were immediately on the scene and asked the honor to assist in helping the couple bring about the happy consummation. Knowing ‘Squire SMITH to have been sick at his home we got another witness in solemn ceremony marched to his home. There was no time to be lost. We gave the signal and all stood up. In two minutes Arthur KENNEDY and Virginia MORRIS, all of Thomasville, were made man and wife. After the magistrate was satisfied we conducted the happy pair to the Enterprise office where was held for 5 minutes a reception. At 4 o’clock the couple left for the home of the bride as bold as lions. – High Point Enterprise.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 5 February 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

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