WHITE, John – (d. 1883)

John WHITE, better known as “John Jew,” died at Franklinton on Monday, the 30th ult.  He was well known by all the citizens of Franklinton, and many mourn his loss. He had been in bad health for some time, but no one was expecting his death so soon.  John WHITE was for a long time employed at the Franklinton Hotel, and was well known by the traveling public, and was much thought of by the proprietors of the hotel.


Editorial note: the obituary below also appeared in the same issue.

On Monday, 30th ult., at 11pm, John WHITE, a most trustworthy waiter in the Franklinton Hotel, after a short but very powerful attack of pneumonia, passed away in the vigor of manhood to his final rest.  He leaves a wife and two children to miss his cherishing care.  His honesty and fidelity had won for him many friends both white and colored.  He came here a stranger from Richmond, Va., but he soon won the confidence and respect of the community by his upright course.  We, who have for so long been associated with him our daily labors, can bear testimony to his faithful discharge of each and every duty making our labors lighter by his cheerful demeanor and merry conversation.  But now he is gone – we trust and believe to that happy clime where there is no more labor, sorrow, sickness nor death.  His friend — Fannie MAYFIELD.

Source: Banner-enterprise (Raleigh, NC). 10 May 1883. Available at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

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