John C. STEDMAN Home to be Sold (1835)

Valuable Home in Raleigh – Will be sold at Public Auction, on February, County Court, (being the 10th day of the month) that valuable Brick Store and Lot, in Raleigh, on Fayetteville street, belonging to the estate of the late John C. STEDMAN, deceased, and now in the occupancy of Thomas M. OLIVER.  A credit of one, two, and three years, will be given, on bonds well accured, with interest from date.  Further particulars made known on the day of the sale. — J.J. ROBETEAU, Guardian of the Heirs.  – Raleigh, 28th Dec. 1835

Source: The North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.), 07 Jan. 1836. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

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