Jimmie Blackwell Falls (1874)

A Fearful Leap

On last Saturday morning, Jimmie, son of E.C. BLACKWELL, was driving an ox wagon loaded with lumber across the Valley River bridge near Mr. ABBOTTS, when the abatement on the upper side gave way, letting down the sills that held up the flooring titled over up the stream throwing team and wagon into the river, and the driver who was on the lower side of the wagon was raised up by the floor as it went and tossed up in the air over the wagon and into the river.  He fell a distance of 20 feet from the bridge to the water falling flat on the water, and, what is singular, sustained no serious injuries, and with proper presence of mind turned his attention immediately to the care of the oxen.  He unyoked them and tied them together and come to town for help.  The oxen were all stunned by the fall, while one only is injured badly.

The bridge is a complete wreck, and will require a new bridge entire as the abutments have given way and the timbers are rotten.

Source: Cherokee Herald, 24 June 1874, page 3.

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