Funeral of Mrs. LACY (1880)

A very large congregation assembled at Peace Institute yesterday, to pay the last tribute of respect to the late Mrs. LACY, who had been so loved and respected in life.  The funeral services were peculiarly appropriate and solemn and were conducted by Rev. John S. WATKINS, assisted by Rev. Robert BURWELL and Rev. Joseph M. ATKINSON, D.D.  The sermon of Mr. WATKINS was based on Psalm 17th, and part of the 75th verse:  “I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.”  The discourse throughout was beautiful and touching and was listened to with tearful interest by the large assemblage of sorrowing friends.  The closing address to the young ladies and other scholars of the institute was most timely and eloquent.

The pall bearers were Messrs. L. E. HEARTT, A.M. McPHEETERS, W.C. STRONCH, E.R. STAMPS, B.R. HARDING, W.S. PRIMROSE and S.W. WHITING.  The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful, and the grave was literally covered with flowers.  Many of the young ladies of the institute had provided themselves with beautiful bouquets to place on the grave of the lamented dead.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 19 September 1880, page 3.

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