Festival (1890)

A festival was given by an organization of young people at Chesson’s Hall on Tuesday night, for the benefit of the M.E. Church.  Quite a large crowd was present and all seemed to enjoy the occasion to the fullest extent.

The ladies, under whose management this entertainment was given, deserve great credit for their untiring efforts to make it a success.  Nothing was left undone that could tend to add to the enjoyment of the guests.  The hall had been skillfully arranged and the tables were decorated with the most choice flowers, and on entering that room at 10 o’clock was like being ushered into an earthly paradise, so inviting was the scene.

In addition to all this which seemed almost too heavenly for earthly men to enjoy, Prof. PIERCY marched his band to the center, and no sweeter music could be asked for than that furnished by the Plymouth Cornet Band.

At 11 o’clock adjournment was announced and repaired to their respective homes with heavy hearts.  The proceeds amounted to about $10.00.

This association was organized a few weeks ago and as yet its members have not decided upon a suitable name.  It is composed to young people of the Methodist congregation, and the young ladies have sole management of it, which is a true sign that much good will be accompanied by it.  The members will endeavor to give monthly entertainments for the benefit of the M.E. Church and the enjoyment of our people.

We extend to them our congratulations on the success of their first attempt and wish for them all earthly success and at last a home with their only superiors, the angels in Heaven.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 14 February 1890. Available online at digitalnc.org.

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