Colored Medical College (1880)

Some weeks past we noted the fact that it was intended to establish a medical department at the Shaw University, colored, of this city.  The idea is to have two or three professors of medicine and to erect a new building for this department of the school.  Mr. TUPPER is now North seeking aid in this new enterprise .  We see in an exchange the following:

Rev. H.M. TUPPER, President of the Shaw University, Raleigh, NC, is now engaged heart and soul in making up the means for erecting the new building for the medical school in connection with the university.  This is a much needed step.  There is great destitution among the colored people for want of medical advice. They are in many cases not able to pay two dollars a visit to physicians; and they are ignorant of all the laws of health.  Eleven hundred dollars will complete the subscription and will secure $11,000.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 16 September 1880. Page 3.

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