KERR, James E. (d. 1880)

Salisbury Watchman:  Our community mourns the death of another of her old citizens.  James E. KERR departed this life Monday morning at 9 o’clock in the 72d year of his life, after a slow decline of some weeks’ duration.  He was extensively known as one of the resident lawyers of this place, which profession he continued to practice to the end of his life.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 19 September 1880, page 2.

McGUIRE, John – (d. 1880)

Statesville Landmark: Two weeks ago we gave an account of the killing of John McGUIRE, in Ashe county, by Linville WATERS, and the dangerous shooting, at the same time, by WATERS, of Silas McGUIRE.  This occurred some three weeks since.  John McGUIRE died almost instantly after being shot, and for a while it was thought that Silas’ wound would prove fatal, he having been shot through one of his lungs.  He, however, has recovered.  WATERS fled immediately after the shooting, but on Tuesday last surrendered himself to A.D. COWLES, Esq., justice of the peace at Gap Creek, Ashe county.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 19 September 1880, page 2. 

POTTER, McLean (d. 1879)

DIED — Mr. McLean POTTER died at his residence in this place on the 25th inst.  His funeral was preached on Monday by Rev. A.R. RAVEN of the Methodist church.

Source: Roanoke News, 30 January 1879. Available online at

HOWELL, J.L. (Mrs.) (d. 1879)

Mrs. J.L. HOWELL of Northampton county, whom we reported in our last issue as being very ill, is dead.

Source: Roanoke News, 30 January 1879. Available online at

MOORE, R.T. (d. 1879)

Mr. R.T. MOORE, one of Murfreesboro’s town commissioners, is dead.
Source: Roanoke News, 16 January 1879. Available online at

JENNETT, Thomas W. (d. 1879)

Foul Murder At Middleton, NC. — We learn from a private letter received by a prominent citizen at Norfolk, that on Thursday night, the 19th ult., Jeremiah F. COX, of Middleton, NC., struck his son-in-law, Thomas W. JENNETT, upon the head with a club, injuring him so badly that he lived but a few hours.  His skull was so badly crushed the brains being mashed and badly contused.  COX was committed to jail to await trial at the May term office County court.  The murder was an unproved and deliberate one — Norfolk Landmark

Source: Roanoke News, 11 January 1879. Available online at

MASON, Nat (d. 1879)

Nat MASON, a nephew of Thos. W. MASON, Esq., of Northampton county, died at his residence in that county on Sunday evening the 6th inst. of Roanoke yellow fever after an illness of two days.

Source: Roanoke News, 11 January 1879. Available online at

CARTER, D.M. (d. 1879)

Col. D.M. CARTER, of Raleigh, died in Baltimore on Tuesday the 7th inst.

Source: Roanoke News, 11 January 1879. Available online at

SHINEA, Sabra (d. 1878)

Sabra SHINEA of this county, aged 94, last week led to the hymeneal altar a blushing maiden of 86.  Sabra’s first wife died last summer, aged 106.

Source: Roanoke News, 23 November 1878. Available online at

DENBY, (Mrs.) (d. 1878)

Mrs. DENBY wife of S.S. DENBY of Ringwood, died lat Sunday.  She was for 12 years before her death a member of the Methodist church.
Source: Roanoke News, 16 November 1878. Available online at