DIED — In Johnston County, on the 3d instant, Mrs. SANDERS, wife of Mr. John SANDERS.
Source: Raleigh Register, May 12, 1801
DIED — In Johnston County, on the 3d instant, Mrs. SANDERS, wife of Mr. John SANDERS.
Source: Raleigh Register, May 12, 1801
DIED — At Woolwich, in England, lately, Mr. BARTLETT, aged 74, who, though in perfect health, had confined himself to his room for 23 years. He wore nothing during this period but a morning gown, used neither fire nor candle, never read or amused himself in any manner, and would suffer no person to see him, except his relations.
Source: Raleigh Register, April 28, 1801.
DIED — At Newbern, on the 6th instant, Mrs. WILSON, wife of Captain James WILSON, of that town.
Source: Raleigh Register, April 21, 1801.
DIED — In Chatham county, lately, Mrs. Sarah SCURLOCK.
Source: Raleigh Register, April 14, 1801.
DIED — In Scotland, lately, Dr. Hugh BLAIR, the celebrated rhetorician.
Source: Raleigh Register, March 31 1801.
DIED — In Chesterfield county, Virginia, a few days ago, Capt. Thomas CLARKE.
Source: Raleigh Register, March 31 1801.
DIED – At his seat on Appomattox river, on Saturday the <…> inst., Mr. John GILLIAM, Senior.
Source: Raleigh Register, March 31 1801.
DIED — In Petersburg, on Friday fe’nnight, Mr. John RANDOLPH, a partner in the late firm of Randolph and Armistead, of Norfolk.
Source: Raleigh Register, March 31, 1801.
DIED — At Williamsburg, Virginia, a few days ago, Bishop MADISON, father of James MADISON, Esq., Secretary of State.
Source: Raleigh Register, March 24, 1801.
DIED – At Major Lewis BLEDSOE’s, in this county, on Thursday last, of a pleuretic attack, Mr. Jesse PRICE, from the lower part of the State. This notice is meant to apprize the friends of the deceased of this event.
Source: Raleigh Register, March 24, 1801.