W.H. Rawlston Visits (1895)

W.H. RAWLSTON, of Maryville, Tenn., spent the past week visiting his relatives, the Meroneys and Pattons, leaving for his home yesterday.

Source: Cherokee Scout (Murphy, NC). 10 September 1895. Available at ChroniclingAmerica: Historic American Newspapers.

WILLIAMS, Willoughby – (d. 1802)

DIED –  Suddenly, at Rutledge, in State of Tennessee, lately, Willoughby WILLIAMS, of this state.

Source: Raleigh Register & North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, July 20,1802.

Shooting Affray in Graham (1891)

On the 27th ult., a serious accident, and one that may prove fatal, occurred at a logging camp on the Tennessee river, this county, in which a young man by the name of Quiet, of Calhoun, Tenn., was shot by Alex JENKINS, of this county.  It seems from what we can learn of the particulars, that JENKINS had been book-keeper for Mr. SHERMAN, the man who had charge of the logging contract, and in settling with SHERMAN claimed <…>3 more than SHERMAN thought was right.  The difference soon brought on hot words, and finally SHERMAN struck JENKINS with his fist, whereupon JENKINS drew his pistol and fired at SHERMAN, the ball glancing his ear and striking Quiet in the breast, ranging toward the left shoulder.  JENKINS is still at large.  Whisky had a great deal to with the row.  — T.M.

Source: Cherokee Scout, 10 November 1891, page 1.