New Paper for Kinston (1882)

By request we announce that Mr. Josephus DANIELS, of the Wilson Advance, will commence next week a paper in Kinston to be called the Kinston Free Press.

We take pleasure in saying to Mr. DANIELS that he will find the people of Kinston and of Lenoir county kind, courteous and appreciative of his efforts in commencing a paper in their midst; and we take equal pleasure in saying to the people of our native town and county that from our acquaintance with Mr. DANIELS we feel satisfied that they will find him in every respect worthy of their esteem and regard.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

Cotton Bales (1883)

Excerpted from the Contentnea Neck Items column:

Mr. James EDWARDS made twelve 500 pound bales of cotton this year with one horse.  His only help was his three little children, the oldest not 13 years old.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

HAUSLY, Samuel – (d. 1883)

Excerpted from the Duck Creek Items column:

No deaths this week down here and only one over the river in Stump Sound, Mr. Samuel HAUSLY.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

SIMMONS, Amos – (d. 1883)

Excerpted from the Jones County Items column:

Amos SIMMONS, the little son of Mr. Joseph SIMMONS, was killed on Saturday, the 8th inst., on the road near his home by falling out of a wagon and the wheel passing over him.  He lived but a short time after the accident.  He was buried on Sunday evening.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

MALLARD, Luther and SMITH, Sally – (m. 1883)

Excerpted from the Jones County Items column:

Married, at the residence of Mr. Canon SMITH, by Lewis KING, Esq., Mr. David Luther MALLARD to Miss Sally SMITH, daughter of Mr. Canon SMITH.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

TAYLOR, Jesse G. – (d. 1883)

Excerpted from the Jones County Items column:

Mr. Jesse G. TAYLOR, an old citizen of Tuckahoe township, Jones county, died at his home on the 11th inst.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

NICHOLSON, Sadie Barry – (d. 1883)

Departed this life on the morning of Dec. 14th, Mrs. Sadie Barry NICHOLSON, wife of Dr. NICHOLSON of Richlands.  This happy couple were married last January, and after a few months of devoted life, the young wife is snatched away, and the Doctor is brought to experience the loss of a second wife while quite a young man. Truly the Lord’s ways are past finding out.  He has the sincere sympathy of many friends and relatives.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Alum Spring Land (1883)

Excerpted from the Richlands and Elsewhere column:

Sheriff MURRILL has opened up the lands around Alum Spring, making a decided improvement in the looks of the place.  He says he intends to enjoy the breeze next summer.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Rhodes to Move (1883)

Excerpted from the Richlands and Elsewhere column:

Mr. Jos. E. RHODES has bought a residence in Richlands and will move there soon. He or someone else has repented, and come together on terms.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

New Postmaster (1883)

Excerpted from the Richlands and Elsewhere column:

Mr. Henry KOONCE is the new postmaster at Richlands.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3.