Lively Times at Wilson (1890)

Wilson, NC, Jan. 22 — This morning between 10 and 11 o’clock, Calvin BARNES, a prominent citizen of Wilson, went to the banking house of Branch & Co. to consult with Mr. A. BRANCH regarding an account that he owed Branch, Biggs & Co. The lie was passed between them, and Mr. BARNES knocked Mr. BRANCH through the window of the counting room and followed this up with a number of blows. Mr. J.C. HALES, cashier of the bank, hearing the noise ran to see what was the matter and tried to part the combatants, when Mr. Jas. STERRETT, a step-son of Mr. BARNES – not knowing Mr. HALES’ intention – knocked him down and commanded him to stay there.

After Mr. BRANCH got up all three, BRANCH, BARNES and STERRETT, started out of the bank. At the front door Mr. STERRETT turned, after he and Mr. BARNES had started down the street, and gave Mr. BRANCH a stunning blow which came very near felling him to the floor. The parties were separated.

Some fear was entertained that the difficulty would be renewed. So all the parties were placed under a peace bond. All went well until about 3 o’clock p.m., when Mr. Jas. MARSHBURN, township constable, was sent to arrest Messrs. BARNES and STERRETT and take them before a magistrate, and while he with his prisoners was on the opposite side of the street, Mr. BRANCH ran out and began firing at Mr. BARNES. The balls went wide of them lodged in the left heel of the constable.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 29  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

BARNES, Margaret (Mrs.) – (d. 1890)

Extracted from Tyro Topics:

Mrs. Margaret BARNES died on the 7th instant. She was nearly eighty years old, and was a consistent member of the Methodist church at Wesley Chapel. The remains were buried at Piney burying ground.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22 January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

Koonts Sells Tobacco (1890)

Extracted from Tyro Topics:

Mr. A.N. KOONTS sold a small load of tobacco last week for one hundred and thirty dollars.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22 January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

LEONARD, Henry W. and BERRIER, Orma L. – (m. 1890)

On the 14th instant, Mr. Henry W. LEONARD and Miss Orma L. BERRIER were united in matrimony by J.A. YOUNG, Esq, at the residence of Mr. Andrew BERRIER, in Arcadia Township. According to the report of our friend, the ‘squire, the wedding was an elegant affair; and the dinner was likewise, a good thing, or to be more accurate, a feast of good things. ‘Squire YOUNG has been around a great deal, and has performed the marriage ceremony for couples almost innumerable. When he sees a good wedding dinner he knows it.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

Horse Killed by Train (1890)

The south bound passenger train ran into a horse, Monday morning at Linwood, and killed it. A boy about twelve years old, a son Mack YARBROUGH, was driving the horse with a load of railroad cross ties. Just before crossing the railroad, he stopped to listen for the train, but as he was in a cut descending to the track, and the train was coming through a cut to the crossing, he heard no noise, and drove on. Just as the horse reached the track, the engine rushed by at full speed. The mail car struck the horse on the shoulder, killing it instantly. The boy was thrown a distance of ten or twelve feed, but was not injured. The wagon was damaged to the extent of broken shaft and some injury to the fore wheels.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

Terrible Outrage (1890)

News was received here yesterday of a terrible outrage having been committed upon a widow lady, Mrs. SHERRIN, residing in Tally Ho Township, Granville County, on Thursday night last. It appears that Mrs. SHERRIN, about 9 o’clock at night, had occasion to step outside her door when she was seized by two men who threatened to kill her if she made any outcry. Carrying her a short distance from the house they outraged her person and left her in an almost insensible condition. When left alone she managed to reach the house, got in and fastened the door where she remained in great fear till morning when she went to her mother’s and informed her of the outrage. Mrs. SHERRIN was so frightened she failed to recognize either of the men nor can she positively say whether they were white or colored, but thinks they were white. — News Observer.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

Knocked Down and Robbed (1890)

The following is copied from the Salisbury correspondence of the Charlotte Chronicle: John KRIDER was knocked down last Thursday morning by some unknown person or persons, somewhere between the ticket office and the car shops, and a serious gash an inch and a half or two inches long inflicted on his scalp. He has no remembrance of the circumstances of the affair, being somewhat dazed by the blow received. He thinks the time of the occurrence was about 4 o’clock in the morning. When he came to town that morning, early, he was bleeding profusely. KRIDER, on investigation, found that one pocket book containing about $20 was missing, as were also a bunch of keys and a Jack Moore pocket knife. Another pocket book containing $10 had not been stolen.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

Negro Convict Shot (1890)

 Mr. Thomas FINCH, who lives in Randolph County not far from Thomasville, shot a negro man Monday morning.  The negro was a county convict hired to FINCH by the authorities of Randolph.  As he showed a disposition to shirk work, Mr. FINCH declared his intention to take him back to jail and said that he intended to tie him.  The negro refused to be tied, and while they were parleying, Mr. James PERRY called at FINCH’s house, and found them facing each other, FINCH with a drawn pistol and the negro with an open knife.  FINCH explained the situation to PERRY and asked him to tie the negro while he kept guard, PERRY consented to do so, and stooped down to pick up the rope which was on the floor between FINCH and the negro; and while he was stooping, FINCH fired.  The negro clasped his hands to his abdomen and ran out of the house, neither of the white men following him, PERRY went at once to Thomasville, where he related the occurrence to our informant.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 15  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

BOWERS, William – (d. 1890)

Suicide of William Bowers –  Last Friday afternoon, William BOWERS, who lived near Holly Grove Academy in this county, put an end to his life with a piece of rope.  From the circumstances as reported, it is not clear that he intended to commit suicide.  His son and son-in-law had been away from home all day; and when he heard them returning; he made some remark about hearing them coming, and went to the blacksmith shop on the premises, where he was found dead a few minutes later.  It appears that he stood on a grind stone frame, and after adjusting the rope, swung himself off.  It is reported that on two previous occasions he strung himself up in a similar manner, but took the precaution to arrange to be discovered in time to save his life.  Some weeks ago, he went out of the house, saying that he was going to hang himself; and going to the buggy shed, stood on a tar bucket while he fixed the rope.  He then literally “kicked the bucket” from under himself, and when some members of the family went out to see what he was doing, he was scraping the ground with his toes, trying to obtain a foothold.  The deceased was over sixty years old, and was very dissipated.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 15  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

WOOD, Joseph and CLIFTON, Nellie – (m. 1890)

Blest Be the Tie – Last Wednesday was an ideal day for a wedding; the sky was clear, the sun was bright, the air was balmy, and all nature seemed to be in unison with the happy hearts that beat as one, and the souls that were linked together in bonds not to be severed in life.  Such were the auspicious circumstances when Mr. Joseph L. WOOD left Lexington on the eleven o’clock train, for Newton where his charming bride expectant, Mrs. Nellie CLIFTON, awaited his coming.  Mr. WOOD was accompanied by the following gentlemen: Rev. J.E. GAY, Mt. Airy; Messrs. J.C. SKEEN and J.T. WOOD, Jackson HILL; Mr. Geo. M. BULLIA, Statesville; Messrs. M.H. PINNIX, J.F. WARD, A.C. HARRIS, E.E. RAPER, W.G. PENRY, W.D. SMITH, A.A. WOOD, Dr. J.M. RILEY, G.W. MONTCASTLE and T.B. ELDRIDGE, Lexington.

Arriving at Newton, the party was conveyed in carriages to the Yount Hotel.  At three o’clock, a large company of invited guests assembled in the parlor, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion.  A few minutes later, the bride and groom entered and took their position under a floral wedding bell.  As they stood there before the officiating clergymen, they were the admiration of all beholders.  Both taller than the average, the groom handsome, the bride beautiful, the conclusion that they were a pair well  matched was irresistible.  Rev. D.  MONROE of Newton, and Rev. J.E. GAY of Mt. Airy, performed the ceremony of making them one.  The vows were spoken, the blessing pronounced, and then the impressive silence gave way to the mingling of many voices in conversation, while friends showered their congratulations on the happy pair.  A sumptuous repast followed, and all partook with a relish that testified their appreciation of the efforts of skillful hands to make that part of the occasion a complete success.

The journey returning to Lexington was without incident.  Arriving at the March House, the bride, suffering with a severe cold, withdrew from the company, while the gentlemen sat down to a supper that fully sustained Mrs. MARCH’s reputation as a cateress. The table was fairly loaded with good things in great variety and profusion almost boundless.  The cakes were models of the baker’s art and all the viands were prepared with consummate skill.  A more delightful company of gentlemen never did justice to a March House feast, and that is paying the highest possible compliment to the guests.

Numerous useful and valuable presents testified to the esteem in which Mr. WOOD and his bride are held by their many in friends in Newton, Lexington and elsewhere.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 15  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.