New Berne Academy (1881)

We again direct attention to the opening, on Monday next, the 19th inst.  Prof. FETTER is a good instructor, has grown old in educational service in our State, and deserves the support and patronage of our people.  The fortunes of war, and the wreck and ruin which followed, left him like many another, stranded upon the shores of adversity, but he labors as cheerfully in the cause to which he has devoted his life at the head of an academy as when occupying the proud position of professor at the University at Chapel Hill in the parliament days of that grand and noble institution. 

 Source: Daily Commercial News, 18 September 1881, page 1. 

Accident at the Plate Factory (1881)

George BROOKS, a small colored boy, employed at the plate factory, had his thumb split open yesterday while working the stamper.

Source: Daily Commercial News, 18 September 1881, page 1.

TUCKER, Richard – (d. 1881)

Richard TUCKER, col, a former Senator from this county, and a trusted servant of Judge GASTON, died in this city last night.

 Source: Daily Commercial News, 13 August 1881, page 4. 

HENRY, Addie (d. 1881)

DIED – In Newbern, NC., on Saturday night, August 6th, 1881, of Continued Fever, Miss Addie HENRY, in the 21st year of her age.  The funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church, Monday afternoon, August 8th, when a large concourse of sympathising friends assembled and followed her remains to Cedar Grove Cemetery. 

Thus has the stern Reaper Death, again plucked a beautiful flower, shining amid the bearded grain.  Grey headed manhood and tender girlhood are together hasting from our city to the great white-robed multitude above; and breaking hearts and tear-dimmed eyes are watching their receeding flight.   Suddenly has Addie HENRY been summoned to join that army over the river.  Gentle, amiable, unobtrusive, adorned with the ornaments of a Christian spirit, above all price – and possessed of fine and highly cultured musical abilities, she was indeed the light of her home.  Always cheerful- full of sympathy and kindness, she was day by day developing into a beautiful womanhood, with promise of much usefulness, under the admiring eyes of loving parents and hopeful friends. 

But this opening flower has been suddenly transplanted to the heavenly garden by the Great Husbandman.  This sad providence is very cloudy to our eyes but we shall soon cease to look through a glass darkly, and shall know clearly the wisdom and love of earthly sorrows.  Even now light shines; for death found Addie with her lamp trimmed and burning through sovereign free grace.  Almost in the act of repeating to her Pastor the 23rd Pslam, and 14th chapter of the Gospel of John, she passed on to give herself to the Good Shepherd of her trust and love. Blessed are they, who remember their Creator in the days of their youth, for when the Lord calls them, they are taken from the evil to the perfect rest and bliss of the eternal and heavenly inheritance of His chosen ones, with whom He has made a covenant.  “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” – L.C.V.

 Source: Daily Commercial News, 13 August 1881, page 1.