MILLER, Claude Y. (Mrs.) – (d. 1915)

Death has claimed one of our most saintly women. Mrs. Claude Y. MILLER lay down in death a week ago while the whole town wept.  In the church she was consecrated and efficient; her hands were always willing and she was quick to see what needed to be done.  She was love with rare devotion by her children, upon whom she had made the imprint of her saintly life.  No one in our town was held in higher esteem.  She was but 55 years old and her friends were expecting a score more of years in which to enjoy her Christian fellowship.  But it has been ordered otherwise, and they must wait her meeting till the dawning of the new day.  May God comfort those who mourn. — Otto J. JONES.

Wilkesboro, NC

Editorial Note: This is the obituary for Minnie Florence Smith Troy. See her family tree profile at FamilySearch Family Tree.

Source: NC Christian Advocate, 4 March 1915.  Available online at the Internet Archive.


Runaway Charles (1802)

A Negro Man who calls himself Charles, about 20 or 21 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 3 Inches high, dark Complexion; stout and well Made, has a Scar on the left Side of his Neck; and marked with a Whip, can read Print, and says he was brought from Maryland about six Years ago, by a Mr. John THOMPSON and sold to a Mr. James WILLIE, in Guilford County, near the Allamance.  The Owner is requested to come and prove Property, pay Charges and take him a away agreeable to Law. 
N.B. – He says there was in company with him a Negro Man named Sam, who was Property of a Mr. John FORBES, but was parted by Chace.  — James PATTON, Jailor – Wilkesborough, May 8. 

Source: Raleigh Register, and North-Carolina Weekly Advertiser, 25 May 1802, page 2. 


GORDON, Lamyra – (d. 1914)


Source:  NC Christian Advocate, 21 January 1915. Available at the Internet Archive.