CHRISTMAS, (Mr.) – (d. 1883)

Excerpt from the Local Briefs column:

A correspondent at Warrenton informs us that Mr. CHRISTMAS, father of Mr. L.T. CHRISTMAS, died last Sunday evening; and that it is quite sickly in that section.

Source: Banner-enterprise (Raleigh, NC). 19 April 1883. Available at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

COLLINS, (Mrs.) – (d. 1879)

Mrs. COLLINS, the mother of Capt. B.M. COLLINS of Warren county, died at Ridgeway on the 17th inst., at an advanced age. She was a devout member of the Methodist church.

Source: Roanoke News, 27 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

Bill of Relief (1879)

Bill for the relief of sheriff N.R. JONES of Warren county, has passed both houses and will be a law as soon as the Governor signs it.

Source: Roanoke News, 27 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

New Master of the State Grange (1879)

Colonel William H. CHEEK, yesterday elected Master of the State Grange, was born in Warren county and is now forty-three years old.  He graduated at Randolph Macon College in Virginia in 1854, studied law under William EATON of Warrenton, and was admitted to practice in June, 1856.  He was elected County Attorney in August following, and held that position until elected to the legislature in 1860.  At the breaking out of the war he resigned his seat in the Legislature and raised a company for the First North Carolina Calvary.  He was promoted to the Colonelcy in 1863, and was in active service during the entire war.  He was wounded in 1864 and while on wounded leave married Miss Alice M. JONES of Warren county.   After the war he did not resume the practice of his profession, but turned his attention to farming.  He is now Chairman of the Inferior Court of Warren County — Observer

Source: Roanoke News, 13 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

BROWNLOW, Tippo Saib (d. 1879)

Dr. Tippo Saib BROWNLOW of Warrenton, died on Wednesday the 27th January, aged 55 years.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

RANSOM, James (Mrs.) – (d. 1802)

[DIED in Warren County] – Mrs. RANSOM, wife of Mr. James RANSOM.

Source: Raleigh Register & North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, March 9, 1802.

DAVIS, Buckner (Mrs.) – (d. 1802)

DIED — In the same county [Warren], a few days ago, Mrs. DAVIS, wife of Mr. Buckner DAVIS.

Source: Raleigh Register & North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, March 9, 1802.

TURNER, James (Mrs.) – (d. 1802)

DIED – In Warren county, on Friday the 26th ult., in the prime of life, Mrs. TURNER, the amiable wife of Captain James TURNER, Senator of the Legislature of this State from that county.

This truly respectable woman, has left a disconsolate husband, and “a smiling face of pra<…>” to mourn her death <…> loss, a loss of the sense of which time may alleviate, but cannot repair.  Her friends will long lament the deprivation of those virtuous qualifcations which endeared her to them, and the society she so eminently adorned will experience a void, which will not easily be filled.

Source: Raleigh Register & North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, March 9, 1802.

W.J. Roby Visits Grandfather (1890)

W.J. ROBY, residing in Lynchburg, Va., has been to Warrenton, NC, on a visit to his grandfather, who is one hundred and twelve, and his grandmother, who is one hundred and sixteen years of age.  Both were well and hearty people mentally and physically.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 21 February 1890. Available online at

Estate of Abraham Mayfield (1836)


Source: NC Standard, 28 January 1836.  Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers