Bishop Watson Preaches (1890)

Excerpted from the Creswell Letter column.


Source: Roanoke Beacon, 10 January 1890.  Available online at

JARVIS, William – (d. 1889)

Excerpted from the Creswell Letter column:

  • Soon after Justice MERCER had put his law papers aside he was called upon to finish up a coffin for Mr. William JARVIS, of Tyrrell county, who died on the 29th inst., aged about 89 years.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  4 October 1889.  Available online at

C.W. Holliday Becomes Manager (1889)

Mr. H. PEAL has taken Mr. C.W. HOLLIDAY, formerly of Tyrrell county, into his employ as business manager of the “Old Reliable Carriage Factor.”  Mr. HOLLIDAY invites his friends to call on him when in want of first class work or a fine buggy. See notice in this issue.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  16 August 1889.  Available online at

Commencement (1889)

Of Prof. DUNSTON’s School at Columbia

On Friday night July 19th, Prof. DUNSTON’s Preparatory School held its Commencement exercises.

Long before the hour to commence Columbia was thronged with visitors, anxious to be present and to hear the  young gentlemen and girls speak and recite.  it were a difficult task to decide which of them excelled – all did well-reflecting very great credit on their most excellent instructor, who is a graduate of the University of North Carolina.

Prof. DUNSTON, as is his custom, offered a gold medal to the young man who should best declaim on that occasion; and appointed as judges the Rev. Mr. EBORNE, Messrs. BUSH, LEE, and R.P. FELTON, who decided that Mr. Joseph ALEXANDER had merited the same.  Rev. Mr. EBORNE was requested to present the medal which he did with appropriately remarks.

Two gentlemen friends of the school offered a medal to the girl who had stood highest in her class during the session and who should best recite at the Commencement.

Prof. DUNSTON appointed Messrs. R.P. FELTON,  J.C. MEEKINS Jr., and Rev. R.B. COLLIER a committee to decide who was entitled to this reward.

Miss Ella WYNN was the happy recipient of a lovely medal presented her by Rev. R.B. COLLIER. Thus ended a most excellent session of Columbia’s school.

It is the universal desire of patrons and people that the Trustees will increase the Professor’s salary and thus induce him to remain with us another session.

An excellent band of music played at interval, and all left at a late hour, feeling that they had been amply repaid, though the weather was uncomfortably warm and rainy.  — Ben

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 9 August 1889.  Available online at

SWAIN, Thos. (Mrs.) – (d. 1900)

It is with sorrow for the family, relatives and friends that we chronicle the death, at the home of her brother, Mr. Mathias OWENS, in this town on Tuesday last of Mrs. Thos. SWAIN, of Tyrrell county. Accompanied by relatives and friends the remains were taken to Tyrrell county on the Str. Edith on Wednesday and laid to rest in the family burying ground.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 31 August 1900.  Available online at