STRICKLAND, Marian W. – (d. 1853)

DIED — On the 25th of June, at the residence of her father-in-law, Mr. STRICKLAND, near Milton, Miss., Mrs. Marian W. STRICKLAND, aged 22, only daughter of John and Sophia LEWIS, formerly of Chapel Hill, N.C.  Though a few months only had elapsed since she stood at the marriage altar, yet when the summons came she was by a lively faith in her Redeemer willing to part with husband, parents, and brothers.  When informed by her almost heart-broken mother that she could not survive, she embraced all present, separately, and begged them to prepare to meet her in Heaven Dry up your tears, bereaved ones, you have the gratifying assurance that  your loss is her gain.

Source: Semi-Weekly Standard (Raleigh, NC). 30 July 1853. Available at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

University Examination (1802)

University – The annual Examination, and Time of conferring Degrees at the University of North Carolina will commence on the 1st day of July next; on which Occasion the Duties of the Committee of Examination, devolve in Rotation, on the following Trustees, viz
For the District of Morgan, W. ALEXANDER,
     Salisbury, Adlai OSBORN
     Hillsborough, Henry POTTER
     Halifax, C.W. HARRIS
     Edenton, Thomas WYNNE
     Newbern, Durant HATCH
     Wilmington, John HILL
     Fayetteville, John HAY
The high importance of this Truth, the individual Responsibility it involves, and the indispensable Necessity of its being properly and faithfully performed, are so well understood, as to leave no Room to doubt of the punctual Attendance of the Members concerned. — Galvin ALVES, Secretary.  Raleigh, May 15th, 1802.

Source: Raleigh Register, and North-Carolina Weekly Advertiser, 25 May 1802, page 2. 


PUCKETT, John – (d. 1802)

DIED – At Chapel Hill, on the 2<…> ult, Mr. John PUCKETT, Postmaster of that place.

Source: Raleigh Register & North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, February 2, 1802.

Distillery Raid (1890)

During a raid on a distillery by revenue officers near Hillsboro, NC, Revenue Agent S. KIRKPATRICK received a dangerous wound and a negro belonging to the distillery was shot and killed.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 7 March 1890, pg 1. Available online at

ROYSTER, W.A. – (d. 1836)

DIED — On Haw River, Orange county, 1st. inst., W.A. ROYSTER, aged 30.

Source: NC Standard, 28 January 1836.  Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

Melancholy Mistake (1836)


Source: NC Standard, 28 January 1836.  Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

JONES, Milo J. and WEEDEN, Rosa DeLett (m. 1914)


Source:  NC Christian Advocate, 7 January 1915. Available at the Internet Archive.

BAIN, John & BENTON, Louisa C. – (m. 1836)



Source: Raleigh Standard, 21 January 1836.  Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newpspaers