W.C. Page Moves (1920)

Mr. W.C. PAGE has moved his family to Holly Ridge where he is engaged in the saw mill business.  Mr. A.H. DAVIS will move into the house vacated by Mr. PAGE.

Source: Pender Chronicle (Burgaw, NC); 13 May 1920.

Jack Beasley Escapes (1882)

Extracted from the Onslow County column:

Jack BEASLEY (white) stole an ox from a negro a few days ago, and ran away, but soon came back, when two officers of the law, named Tom CANADAY, and Burgis WILLIAMS, attempted his capture.  BEASLEY turned upon the officers with a loaded revolver and fired several shots at them, but luckily missed his mark, when they in turn fired at him.  He then ran off, pursued by the officers, but he succeeded in making his escape in a thick swamp.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 13 April 1882, page 3. 

SMITH, P.D. and HEWETT, Julia – (m. 1882)

Excerpted from the Onslow County Items column:

Only one marriage couple have been made happy the past week.  That of Mr. P.D. SMITH aged 62 yrs. and Miss Julia, daughter of Mr. J.K. HEWETT – usually called Swamp Sam – from his large size and peculiar good disposition, aged 14 years. Rather too much difference in age one would think.


Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

Mr. L.H. Cox Turkey Shooting (1882)

Mr. L.H. COX the sewing machine man killed at one shot 3 wild turkeys yesterday; one of them a gobler, the largest ever seen in this State, the beard measuring 14 inches long, and spurs on th leg 4 1/2 in. long.  It weighed after being dressed 29 1/2 lbs.  Mr. C. is one of the go ahead men too.  During 5 days of last week he sold 8 sewing machines, one wagon, one cow and calf, hauled 269 loads of manure, broke 4 acres of land and bought 4 cows and calves and wound up by finding a hen’s nest with 41 eggs in it.  All this was done in 5 days including the turkey shooting, all in one week.  Who can beat this for a sewing machine agent.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

Spelling Bee (1882)

Excerpted from the Onslow County Items column:

Spelling bee came off last Friday night, Master David S. WARD being the winner of the second, and Mr. C.B. FRAZZLE the first prize.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

HAUSLY, Samuel – (d. 1883)

Excerpted from the Duck Creek Items column:

No deaths this week down here and only one over the river in Stump Sound, Mr. Samuel HAUSLY.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

NICHOLSON, Sadie Barry – (d. 1883)

Departed this life on the morning of Dec. 14th, Mrs. Sadie Barry NICHOLSON, wife of Dr. NICHOLSON of Richlands.  This happy couple were married last January, and after a few months of devoted life, the young wife is snatched away, and the Doctor is brought to experience the loss of a second wife while quite a young man. Truly the Lord’s ways are past finding out.  He has the sincere sympathy of many friends and relatives.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Alum Spring Land (1883)

Excerpted from the Richlands and Elsewhere column:

Sheriff MURRILL has opened up the lands around Alum Spring, making a decided improvement in the looks of the place.  He says he intends to enjoy the breeze next summer.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Rhodes to Move (1883)

Excerpted from the Richlands and Elsewhere column:

Mr. Jos. E. RHODES has bought a residence in Richlands and will move there soon. He or someone else has repented, and come together on terms.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

New Postmaster (1883)

Excerpted from the Richlands and Elsewhere column:

Mr. Henry KOONCE is the new postmaster at Richlands.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3.