Runaway Ben – (1802)

Twenty Dollars Reward — Ran away from the Subscriber on the 21st of March last, a Mulatto Man by the Name of Ben, about twenty Years of Age, five Feet eight or ten Inches high.  He is a very lively active fellow, spare Made, and is mixed some with Indian Blood.  I expect he will try to pass for a free Man.  Had on when he went away a course Wood Hat, a Homespun Coat, Vest and a Pair of Overalls; and took with him a short Coat, a Pair of small-cloathes and white Pair of Cotton Stockings. Also took a Pair of Saddle-bags.
He was raised in Granville County, North Carolina, near the Head of Nut-bush Creek.  He has a Wife in said County, and some Relations in Halifax; and it is likely he may aim to one of those Places.
Whoever will apprehend said Mulatto, and deliver him to Lewis REAVIS, Esq., of Granville County, or secure him in some Jail, and send me Word, so that I get him again, shall receive the above Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid. — Arthur HARRIS, Montgomery County, April 24th

Source: Raleigh Register, and North-Carolina Weekly Advertiser, 18 May 1802. 

Ran Away – Jem (1790)

Ran away, an outlandish negro fellow, named Jem, about 26 or 27 years of age – has been in this country about two years – five feet 9 or 10 inches high, speaks broken English – says he belonged to one Sanders, of South-Carolina, between Charleston and Savannah river. Hired out to pay prison fees. –  Henry DEBERRY, Sheriff. Montgomery county, April 26, 1790.

Source: North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette. 10 May 1790.

Ran Away (May 10, 1790)

Ran away, an outlandish negro fellow, named Toby – has been in this country two or three years, speaks broken English, has his country mark on both sides of his face, about five feet 9 or 10 inches high, appears to be about forty years of age, says he has been in the country about four years, and was landed in South-Carolina. He is now hired out to pay prison fees. – Henry Deberry, Sheriff, Montgomery county, April 26, 1790

Source: North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette. 10 May 1790.


FREEMAN, John and MOSS, Maria – (m. 1836)

MARRIED — In Salisbury, 20th inst., by Rev. Mr. McDONALD, Mr. John FREEMAN, late of Montgomery county, to Miss Maria MOSS of Salisbury.

Source: NC Standard, 28 January 1836.  Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

ALLEN, Wm. – CRUMP, Ann (m. 1835)

MARRIED – In Montgomery county, 19th ult., Mr. Wm. ALLEN to Miss Ann CRUMP. 

Source: North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.), 14 Jan. 1836. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>