SUTTON, Nancy – (d. 1882)

Extracted from the Kinston Items column:

Mrs. Nancy SUTTON, a most estimable lady living near town, died on the 1st, aged 83 years.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 6 April 1882, page 3. 

Another Difficulty (1882)

Excerpted from the La Grange Items column:

Another serious difficulty occurred in this township, near Wayne county line, on last Thursday. D.A. IVY had a “log rolling” at which Lewis HINSEN and Henry SUTTON had angry words.  HINSON gave SUTTON a blow with a hand stick, which felled him, not dead, but senseless upon the spot.  SUTTON remained several hours in an unconscious condition.  HINSON left and at last accounts had not been captured.  SUTTON was doing very well on Saturday.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

Jesse Fields Recovering (1882)

Excerpted from the La Grange Items column:

Jesse FIELDS stabbed by Needham THOMPSON, an account of which was given in the Journal, was improving when last heard from.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

New Paper for Kinston (1882)

By request we announce that Mr. Josephus DANIELS, of the Wilson Advance, will commence next week a paper in Kinston to be called the Kinston Free Press.

We take pleasure in saying to Mr. DANIELS that he will find the people of Kinston and of Lenoir county kind, courteous and appreciative of his efforts in commencing a paper in their midst; and we take equal pleasure in saying to the people of our native town and county that from our acquaintance with Mr. DANIELS we feel satisfied that they will find him in every respect worthy of their esteem and regard.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 30 March 1882, page 3. 

Cotton Bales (1883)

Excerpted from the Contentnea Neck Items column:

Mr. James EDWARDS made twelve 500 pound bales of cotton this year with one horse.  His only help was his three little children, the oldest not 13 years old.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Bizzell Missing (1883)

Excerpted from the La Grange Items column:

W.K. BIZZELL’s absence is still unaccounted for, no tidings from him, and his whereabouts is not known.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Masons Here (1883)

Excerpted from the Kinston Items column:

The Masons (colored) in State convention here last week, had a grand and imposing display last Thursday.  About one hundred and fifty in masonic costume turned out and marched through the town to the music of the Kinston colored band. They presented a fine appearance, and during the entire convention, were as quiet and orderly as the best regulated assemblages. Mr. John W. TELFAR was chosen Grand Master for the ensuing year.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Hunter House Catches Fire (1883)

Excerpted from the Kinston Items column:

The kitchen adjoining the dwelling house of Mrs. Mary A. HUNTER, in Kinston, caught fire in the roof and came very near causing a serious fire.  It was fortunately put out, however, before any great damage was done.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Gallows Ready (1883)

Excerpted from the Kinston Items column:

The sheriff has the gallows ready for the execution of the unfortunate, though brutal Guilford SOON, on the 20th inst.  His hangman is here.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Dr. Kirby In Town (1883)

Excerpted from the Kinston Items column:

Dr. G.L. KIRBY, the eminent physician of Goldsboro, was with us last Tuesday, looking after his farming interest in this county.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3.