Annie Lucas Visits (1918)

Miss Annie LUCAS, a member of the faculty in Chadbourn High School, was here Sunday to attend the funeral of her brother Dr. P.E. LUCAS.

Source: Pender Chronicle, 18 April 1918, page 5.

Member from Columbus (1880)

Col. T.F. TOON has been chosen by the Democrats of Columbus as the candidate for the House in the next General Assembly. He is in the prime of life, a man of genial qualities, of fine sense, an attractive speaker, and of great popularity with his people.  He has never been in public office.  Of his record as a soldier it is sufficient to say that he was among the first to volunteer, and became the Colonel of the 20th North Carolina Regiment, than which a braver regiment never went to battle.  He was commissioned a brigadier-general just before the war closed, but has been content with the title won and worn while he was the distinguished leader of his beloved regiment.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 15 September 1880. Page 2.