BISHOP, Sidney & ALBRIGHT, Sally (m. 1857)

MARRIED — In Chatham county, on the 1st inst., at the residence of Daniel SMITH, Esq., by Rev. John HINSHAW, Dr. Sidney BISHOP to Miss Sally ALBRIGHT, daughter of the late John ALBRIGHT of Alamance.

Source:  Fayetteville Observer, February 16, 1857

Ranaway Ad: Rand (1857)

$25 Reward

Ranaway from the subscriber on the 1st of April last, a negro man named Rand, about six feet high, about 30 years of age, and black. Said negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John BELL or James McKETHAN. The above reward will be paid to any person delivering said negro to me at Locksville, CHATHAM Co., N.C., or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. — Nathan KING, June 25.

Source:  Fayetteville Observer, February 5, 1857

Ranway Ad: Jim (1857)

$50 Reward

Ranaway from the subscriber, in Pittsborough, Chatham county, N.C., on the 8th inst., a negro boy named Jim, about 18 years of age, of dark brown color, about five feet high, heavy built and weighs from 140 to 150 lbs. He is smart and quick spoken, and rocks when he walks. The only notable mark recollected is a scar on the middle of the forehead, near where the hair joins. He had on, when last seen, a brown Tweeds coat, with flaps on the pocket. A reward of Fifty Dollars will be paid for him, if taken out of the county of Chatham, or Twenty-five Dollars if taken in it. — Joseph THOMPSON – Pittsborough, Jan’y 15, 1857.

Source:  Fayetteville Observer, February 2, 1857


MARES, Lewis – LASSITER, Susan (m. 1836)

MARRIED – Also in Chatham county on the 16th inst., Mr. Lewis MARES to Miss Susan LASSITER.

Source: North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.), 14 Jan. 1836. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

GILMORE, (Dr.) – MAYS, Eliza G. (m. 1835)

MARRIED — Also in Chatham county, Dr. GILMORE to Miss Eliza G. MAYS.

Source: North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.), 14 Jan. 1836. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

WILIFERD, Elijah – MAYS, Parmelia (m. 1836)

MARRIED – In Chatham county, by John FOUCHIE, Esq., on the 3d inst., Mr. Elijah WILIFERD to Miss Parmelia MAYS, daughter of Joseph MAYS, Esq.

Source: North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.), 14 Jan. 1836. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

SCURLOCK, William – TAYLOR, Apphia (m. 1800)

MARRIED — A few days ago, at Pittsborough, Mr. William SCURLOCK, to Miss Apphia TAYLOR.

Source:  Raleigh Register and Weekly Advertiser, 9 December 1800.

SCURLOCK, Joseph – SHEPPARD, Martha J. – (m. 1800)

MARRIED – In Greene County, on the 13th ult., Mr. Joseph SCURLOCK, of Chatham County, to Mrs. Martha J. SHEPPARD, of the former county.

Source:  Raleigh Register and Weekly Advertiser,  5 August 1800. 

GUTHRIE, German and SCURLOCK, Patsey (m. 1800)

MARRIED — At Pittsborough, a few days ago, Mr. German GUTHRIE to Miss Patsey SCURLOCK.
Source:  Raleigh Register and Weekly Advertiser, 22 July 1800. 

HORTON, Jackson – (d. 1880)

Durham Tobacco Plant:  Mr. Jackson HORTON, a very esteemed and valuable citizen living in the northeastern portion of Chatham county, who was fatally injured by being thrown from a mule a few days since, died at his residence last night.  His many friends will be grieved to hear of this fatal accident that has befallen such a good man.  He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely loss.  We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathies.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 17 September 1880. Page 3.