BELL, Mrs. W.T.R. – (d. 1915)

A death that brought sadness and gloom to all our town occurred at Spartanburg, S.C., Monday night, when in the home of her son Charles, Mrs. W.T.R. BELL passed away.

Mrs. BELL was born March the 18th, 1848, at Newport, N.C., in Carteret County. She died March 1, 1915, being nearly 66 years of age.  The remains were brought here yesterday and services were conducted from the Methodist church, of which she had been a consistent member for the greater part of her life, by her pastor, Rev. Albert SHERRILL, in the presence of a great concourse of sympathizing friends.

On January 1, 1868, she was married to Capt. W.T.R. BELL, a native of Ocomac county, Va.  She lived to make him a happy home for 47 years.

She leaves to mourn for her the husband, who, as a life-long teacher of large experience, has charge of Boiling Springs High School.  A son Charley, clerk in the post office at Spartanburg, S.C; another son, James, Superintendent of the Graded Schools of Rockingham, N.C.; one daughter, who is the wife of Mr. T.P. REYNOLDS, of Asheville.  These relatives were all present at the funeral services.  The floral tributes were large and beautiful.

Mrs. BELL was one of the sweetest spirits that ever graced a home or blessed a community. — Albert SHERRILL

Source: NC Christian Advocate, 11 March 1915.  Available online at the Internet Archive.

Asa Morton Moves (1883)

Excerpted from the Swansboro Items column:

There is one more family moved to our town this week, Mr. Asa MORTON, from Carteret county.  All we lack is plenty of houses, and we would soon have plenty of people.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Sheriff J.F. Jones (1883)

Excerpted from the Kinston Items column:

We met on our streets last Tuesday Carteret county’s model sheriff, J.F. JONES.  He has too pleasant a face to be in a position through which he might become a hangman.

Source: New Berne Weekly Journal , 20 December 1883, page 3. 

Atlantic Seaside Changes Editors (1890)

The Atlantic Seaside, published at Beaufort, NC, has changed editors.  The former editor, Mr. R.M. GARNER, having withdrawn owing to ill health has been superseded by Mr. Claud B. FELTON as editor and manager.

We extend to Bro. GARNER our sympathies in his afflictions and to Bro. FELTON the hand of welcome in the journalistic brotherhood.  May the former soon be restored to health that he may again take up his pen in the defence [sic] of the Democratic party.  And may the latter prove a source of much good both to his party and to his country.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 7 March 1890, pg 2. Available online at