Bellew’s In Custody (1889)

David BELLEW and wife, charged with the murder of their five-year-old child, at Asheville, NC, eight years ago, and the secretion of its remains – which have just been discovered-under the hearth in the sitting room, have been delivered to the authorities of this state by the Tennessee officials.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  23 August 1889.  Available online at

Vanderbilt Forest (1900)

The pisag [sic] forest has cost VANDERBILT something like $250,000, or about $2.50 an acre.  He has brought it in great or small tracts as rapidly as possible, and now his rangers are the only denizens.  There are five of them, all picked men of the mountains, of fine physique, good riders and dead shots.  They must keep open the roads and trails, see that the boundary fence, 300 miles in length, is all right; keep out poachers, look after the game and the trout and always be on the alert for timber stealers.  There are 265 miles of trail in this forest, the trails leading alongside each trout stream.  There are 70 miles of road passable for wagon. There are miles of shooting paths, the latter 15 feet in width and cut out right and left from the roads.  When deer are driven they must cross these paths, and by means of the latter alone can the hunter see them in time to get a shot.

Though Mr. VANDERBILT is not a sportsman, but a student, yet all things are kept ready for him.  His pleasure is the pleasure of others.  On his last visit he only caught one trout, nor did he fire a gun.  His wife was with him. She is a good horsewoman and rode a pony up and down the steepest trails.  Under protection native trout are rapidly restocking the streams without artificial propagation.

At Biltmore Mr. VANDERBILT has an arboretum, one of the largest in the world, and the pioneer in the United States.  This was formerly under the direction of Gifford PINCHOT, who is at present head forester of the United States; it is now under the direction of Dr. SCHENCK as forester.  In this arboretum more than 300,000 trees and shrubs have been planted.  Pisgah forest is the complement of the arboretum, and in these wild woods Dr. SCHENCK has a lodge where he spends much of each summer with his class.  In the latter are often youths of wealth and high social position who wish to study forestry – a study which the United States needs, since so many millionaires are daily devoting themselves to the task of forest destruction and so few to conservation.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 31 August 1900.  Available online at


DILLON, John V. and BROWN, Mary (m. 1885)

Married — At the residence of Mr. D.L. SWICEGOOD, in this city, this morning, Rev. J. L. CARROLL, officiating, Mr. John V. DILLON and Miss Mary BROWN, all of Asheville.

The Asheville citizen. (Asheville, N.C.), 22 April 1885. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

Bob DUNCAN Recaptured (d. 1905)

Asheville, Oct. 23 — “If they don’t treat me well, I’ll break jail again,” quietly said Bob DUNCAN, who effected the jail delivery here last Sunday, and who was recaptured in this city yesterday afternoon. “You haven’t a jail in your State that will hold me,” he said. “I have been through five of them , and can walk out of another. The jailer was so good to me at Hendersonville that I really hated to leave him, but I needed fresh air.” DUNCAN talked with freedom and frankness of his escape and of his movements since.

Source: Kinston Free Press, October 24, 1905

CORDELL, Robert (d. 1905)

Asheville, Oct. 19. – Robert CORDELL, a young man employed in the round house of the Southern Railway Company hear, was run over by a railway train near here last night, and this afternoon he died of the injuries he received. He was found beside the track at 2 o’clock this morning with both legs cut off below the knees. Mr. CORDELL stated that he was walking along the railroad track going from his work to his home, when he was seized with an attack of dizziness and fell on the tracks and was run over by a train later in the night.

Source: Kinston Free Press, October 20, 1905

Breach of Promise Charged (1905)

Asheville, Oct. 16. — Summons has been issued from the office of the clerk of the United States court here in a sensational breach of promise suit against D.Francis CANNON, of Concord, who is reputed to be a wealthy and prominent man of that place. The action has been instituted by Miss Nona BURGESS, who is said to be one of the most prominent and fascinating young women of San Antonio, Texas. The amount of damage sued for is not known, but it is said that it will be very large.

Mr. CANNON was married about a year ago to Miss Mattie LEE, of Goldsboro, one of the most popular young women of that city.

In the complaint it will be alleged that Mr. CANNON paid several visits to Miss BURGESS in Texas, and that he proposed marriage and was accepted. It is said that letters will be offered as evidence to prove these assertions. It is understood that Mr. CANNON will fight the suit.

Source: Kinston Free Press, October 17, 1905.