Declines to Accept (1880)

Lilesville, NC, September 16 – Much to the regret of his many friends, James M. WALL declines to accept the nomination for Senator from Anson and Union.  His health is very bad.  He did not seek or ask for the nomination, but the people wanted him.  Tomorrow the executive committee of the district will probably call another convention.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 19 September 1880. 

Anson In the House (1880)

Col. James A LEAK, who was nominated on yesterday to represent Anson in the House of Representatives, is a gentleman widely known throughout the State.  He has always taken an active interest in all matters affecting his county, and in all measures, whether of parties or of legislation, affecting the general interests of the State or country.  He was a member of the House of Commons in 1856.  He was a member also of the State convention of 1861.  A man of the purest character, of quick perception, and of well balanced judgement, and having large experience in matters of finance, he will represent well and ably the good people by whose flattering voice he will be declared in November a member of the House.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 19 September 1880.