BRICKELL, W.W. (d. 1878)

W.W. BRICKELL, Esq. – This esteemable and honored citizen died at his residence in this county, on the 9th inst., of consumption, after an illness of several months. Mr. BRICKELL was valued by all who knew him for his positive integrity, inflexible and constant practice of justice in all business relations with a high sense of honor which he never forgot.  As a county officer, he was just, but firm.  As a friend and and neighbor he was kind, but stern in adhering to his sense of duty.  As a christian, he observed rigidly the laws of God and man.  Just to all.  If this world was filled with just such men as he was, we would be a prosperous, honorable people.  Had he lived until the 13th of this month he would have attained the age of seventy-one.
Source: Roanoke News, 12 October 1878. Available online at

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