Beacon Flashes (March 7, 1890)

The following is excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. Louis HORNTHAL and daughter, Fiora, left per Str. Plymouth yesterday for a visit to relatives in Baltimore.
  • Major I. PIPKINS of Str. Bertie has been confined to his bed for the past week with an attack of rheumatism.
  • Mr. John KASSENGER and Mr. LUMSLEY, of Roper, gave us a call this week, also Mr. J.E.C. JOHNSTON near town.
  • We are informed that the mills at Green Hill owned by Mr. C.D. LOANE, will be known by the appalation [sic]  of “the C.D. Loane Green Hill Lumber Company.”

    Source: Roanoke Beacon, 7 March 1890, pg 3. Available online at

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