Beacon Flashes (July 4, 1890)

Select excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. G.L. HOUSTON has accepted a position with L.C. MARRINER, of Mackey’s Ferry, as sawyer.
  • The public school at Cool Spring will begin on Monday next, July 7th, Mrs. Mattie AUSBON, teacher.
  • Mr. C.A. WALKER has accepted a position with J.M. REID & Son as salesman, vice Mr. H.B. BROWN resigned.
  • Mr. Gordon L. VINCENT, of Princeton, Va., and sister Mattie E. VINCENT, of Salisbury, Md., are the guests of their brother, Mr. J.E. VINCENT, on Washington street.
  • Col. W.H. FITCHETT left on Monday for his summer home in the mountains of Virginia.  He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Beatrice HINER, of Virginia, who has been attending the Plymouth High School at this place.  The Col. will return in the early fall, but we are sorry to say that Miss HINER bids us good bye to return no more, at least not as school girl – Peace be still.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 4 July 1890, pg 3. Available online at

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