Col. W.L. Saunders Retires (1879)

Col. SAUNDERS has retired from the editorial staff of the Raleigh Observer on account of ill health. During his life, as a journalist, both in connection with the Wilmington Journal, and the Observer, Col. SAUNDERS made many friends among newspaper men, and his opinions were always entitled to, and always commanded the highest respect from the members of the press. To this, the notices in our exchanges testify. We hope Col. SAUNDERS will recover his health in a short time, and again resume the duties to which his abilities so well fit him.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 2. Available online at

DAVIS, Peter – (d. 1890)

A Boy Lost — On Monday evening a report was circulated that Peter DAVIS, a colored boy, was missing.  Search was made throughout the town, but his whereabouts could not be learned.  On Tuesday morning the little five year-old son of Jos. MITCHELL told that he and the missing boy were at play near the river on Monday and that the boy DAVIS fell in the river, and then led the anxious parents to the point where he said DAVIS fell in.  At this point was found the boy’s had, but no other evidence of his being drowned.  A party went out in boats and dragged the river for the body, but as yet it has not been found.
The accident should be a reminder to parents both white and back, that the banks of the river is no place to allow their children to play .
LATER — The boy was found in the river on Wednesday evening, half a mile below where he fell in.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890, page 3. Available online at

Mrs. J.D. Simpson Visits (1890)

Excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. J.D. SIMPSON, of Martin county, has been the guest of Mrs. S.T. HARRISON this week.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890, page 3. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (August 15, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. J.W. BRYAN and daughter Jamie, are the guests of relatives at Jamesville.
  • Mrs. S.M. JACKSON and daughter, Miss Bertie, are visiting relatives in Jamesville.
  • Mrs. S.M. WHALEY and daughter, Miss Ida, went down to Nag’s Head on Wednesay.
  • Mr. B.F. OWENS our popular liveryman has purchase “Bob Lee,” a thoroughbred Hamiltonian colt three years old, can trot in 2:35.  Call at his stable on Main street if you want to see this, perhaps the fastest 3-year-old in the State
  • Mr. J.E. VINCENT, who has been visiting in Virginia for several days, returned on Monday.  Mr. VINCENT informs us he has severed his connection with the R.R.R. & L. Co., on Long Ridge, and will begin work, for the same company, just above Jamesville, in Martin county.  His family will remain in Plymouth, we are glad to say.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890, page 3. Available online at

Minnie Holmes Visits (1890)

Excerpted from the “From Creswell” column dated August 13, 1890:

  • Miss Minnie HOLMES, one of Chowan’s beauties, is visiting relatives in our place.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890. Available online at

H.P. Alexander Visits (1890)

Excerpted from the “From Creswell” column dated August 13, 1890:

  • Mr. H.P. ALEXANDER of Pamlico county, formerly of this place, is with us for a short time, visiting friends and relatives.  He tells us crops are fine in Pamlico.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890. Available online at

Annie Johnston Convalescing (1890)

Excerpted from the “From Creswell” column dated August 13, 1890:

  • Miss Annie JOHNSTON, of Leechville, the guest of Miss Ida WALKER, has been quite ill for some time, but we are pleased to hear that she will soon be convalescent.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890. Available online at

From Creswell (August 13, 1890)

Excerpts from the “From Creswell” column dated August 13, 1890:

  • Mr. Claud SPRUILL’s new store is a fine building and will be soon completed.
  • Mr. Alford ALEXANDER is adding a nice cook and dining rooms to his new dwelling.
  • Miss Lillie HATHAWAY, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. G.W. TARKENTON, left for her home in Norfolk on the 12th
  • Mrs. A.L. CAHOON and Miss Allie HASSELL, of our town, are visiting relatives in Norfolk.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890. Available online at

Mrs. F.V. Chesson Visits (1890)

Excerpted from the Roper Letter column dated August 12, 1890:

  • Mrs. F.V. CHESSON, after a severe illness, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.D. HOLTON. 

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890, page 2. Available online at

Pollie Gardner Visits (1890)

Excerpted from the Long Ridge Letter column dated August 10, 1890:

  • Mrs. Pollie A. GARDNER, of Martin, spent several days last week with friends and relatives here.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 15 August 1890, page 2. Available online at