Marriages (February 1879)


  • On the 18th of December 1879, at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. J.A.B. KILPATRICK, Mr. Lewis HUX, to Miss Sarah F. DICKEN. 
  • By the same on the 22nd at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. George L. DICKEN to Miss Martha J. HARPER.
  • By the same on the 24th, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. Edward J. HAX to Miss Alice HUDSON.
  • By the same on the 29th of January 1879 at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Lewis K. DICKEN to Miss Elizabeth C. HUX, all of Halifax county.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

EVANS, J.T. and BUCKLEY, Jos. T. (m. 1879)

In Weldon on January 30th, 1879 by J.T. EVANS J.P., Jos. T. BUCKLEY to Miss Sarah H. SANDIFORD, of Northapmton county.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

In Trouble (1879)

In Trouble — Three negroes living in Weldon, Jim SPEIRS, Aleck BOLLING, and Dug LONG, last Friday went on the bridge to play their little game. They met a darkey crossing the bridge and proposed a bet on three card monte. He staked a pistol and the other three negroes took it away from him and left. It is also said that they took some money from him also. They were arrested and lodged in jail, and will possibly help build the Turnpike from this place to Ringwood or the dams on Roanoke river.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

Mr. R.B. Ivey Injured (1879)

Accident — Mr. R.B. IVEY, while working at the foundry received a severe stroke in the face. He was attempting to take a belt off one of the wheels while in motion, when a stick which he had at the time was wrenched from his hand and thrown in his face knocking him senseless for a long time. He recovered and is now doing very well.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

Col. Andrew J. Burton Visits (1879)

Col. Andrew J. BURTON, formerly a leading journalist of Raleigh, NC, but now a prominent lawyer of Weldon, NC, is registered at the Kimball. Colonel BURTON we are glad to learn, will remain in our city several weeks. — Atlanta Constitution

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

SHAW, Effie Lalls – (d. 1879)

Died in Northampton on January 30th, at the residence of her father, little Effie Lalls, youngest daughter of Joseph SHAW, aged 2 years and 7 months.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

FAUCETT, J.W. – (d. 1890)

Died at his residence in Halifax on February 1st, 1879, J.W. FAUCETT in the 25th year of his age.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

BROWNLOW, Tippo Saib (d. 1879)

Dr. Tippo Saib BROWNLOW of Warrenton, died on Wednesday the 27th January, aged 55 years.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 3. Available online at

Local (February 6, 1879)

Excerpts from the Local column:

  • P.H. WINSTON Jr. of Bertie county paid us a visit on Tuesday.
  • Rev. A.S. SMITH will preach at Grace church on Friday night and Sunday morning at the usual hour.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879. Available online at

Good Word About the Roanoke News (1890)

The Danville, (Va.) Daily News has the following good word to say of us: While we have not yet done so, it is still not too late to mention the fact that the Roanoke News, Weldon, NC, has recently undergone a change of proprietorship. W.P. BATCHELOR, Esq., and Capt. J.G. LOCKHART have sold it to Messrs. W.W. HALL and L.M. LONG, who have assumed sole control. The new proprietors are young gentlemen of fine intellectual qualifications, energetic and public spirited, and will doubtless meet with success in their new field of labor. Under their management the News has already been much improved in appearance, while the general tone of the paper has been changed for the better. it is kept up to the standard of a first-class family newspaper, and deserves a liberal patronage. Our sympathies flow out in a tidal wave of well wishes for the old craft upon which we first ventured out upon the treacherous sea of journalism, and we shall ever watch with pleasure the success and prosperity of the Roanoke News. Long may it live to defend the rights of the party and people it represents.

Source: Roanoke News, 6 February 1879, page 2. Available online at