Another Prisoner Escapes (1889)

Clinton FLEMINGS, colored, who was committed to jail at this place for burglary on the 1st inst., broke out on Monday night at 12 o’clock and left for parts unknown, adding another to the list of criminals who have broke this house used as a jail.

What is the use of having Courts to convict men of crime if we have no place of confinement?  It is necessary that the county build a reliable jail so that when a prisoner is once within there is no chance for escape.

The old jail was but little service and when it was burned, about a year ago, instead of having a new and safe one built, the county only had the old walls repaired, making it but little better than none.  There is only one room in it that is any good and it is not safe.

We say if the county is in debt and not able to build, put up the tax and get the money to build a decent and safe jail, do not let such a trap be used any longer.

We are informed by the Deputy Sheriff that only one brick had to be removed before FLEMING was a free man.  Is such a prison fit to confine desperate men in, who are convicted of crime and placed there for punishment? – the answer must be no.

We ask the Commissioners to see to this at once, as it is important that we should have a safe jail.  Such a thing as we now have is a disgrace to the county.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 9 August 1889.  Available online at

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