Burials List

Following is a paged list of burials documented in this database. Click on any Decedent's Name link to visit a page with detailed information on the selected burial. Similarly, click any Cemetery name link to visit a page with detailed information on the indicated cemetery. Use the Surname, Cemetery and Collection drop down menus to filter the burials list as desired. Use the page controls in the list footer to browse the list. To view the cemeteries and burials data via a paged list of documented cemeteries, click the Cemeteries List button.

Surname:  Cemetery:  Collection: 

Decedent's NameDate of BirthDate of DeathCemeteryCollection
Documented Burials: 0

©2010-2021 Kenneth Wayne Odom, Jr., Thomas Elder Davis, the NCGenWeb, Inc. and/or individual contributors. No content appearing at this site may be used for other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner.